Jumat, 24 September 2010

SMS Greeting love for Couples

Sometimes you have to part with the pair due to office duties or other important jobs. After the move all day, maybe you forgot to give news or say hello to your partner. At night, before bed, you can send an SMS greeting before bed for couples as a form of attention and love him.

Writing SMS for Couples

Sending an SMS is more effective and efficient because of low fees and you need not linger to talk with the him. You or partner may be already exhausted, so less able to talk at length by phone. If you're still confused what you should write in SMS greeting before going to sleep, the following tips:

Greetings Sleeping

Series of words to bring your partner to rest like this.

* Good night, sweetheart. Although much you're always in my heart. Hugs kisses from afar. Mmmmuah ...
* I want the moon to accompany your sleep. Please keep your rest on the star. Sleep well, hopefully the next day you wake up with a new spirit.
* Good night love. I entrusted prayers on the wind, I hope you sleep soundly and dream beautiful.


Sleep is one way to rest my body organs. Adequate sleep will make your body refreshed and ready to move back the next day. Therefore, SMS greeting before bed can contain a message for your spouse sleep in peace without worrying you. There are times when sleep that brings worry and anxiety will cause nightmares and lack of sleep.

Sms can be

* Alhamdulillah (thank God) work smoothly. Comfortable accommodation. Good night darling. May we wake up with hearts as bright as the morning sun and cheery singing canaries.
* Report. All the smooth, safe, and controlled. Report completed. ^ _ ^ Good night love. Feel the hug fleece from afar.
* Thank you love for everything. Thanks to your prayers work smoothly and in control. Congratulations beautiful dream. Meeting up at the bus stop island dream soon, yes.

Love Expression

Love is not just words, but no one if you disclose it on the couple, especially if the love that has bound the marriage contract. While far from it, just express your love so that your spouse sleep with a smile and peace.

Sms such as the following examples.

* The night is not complete without a moon and stars. However, there are times when they parted for a while as we are. Kiss you, love you. Good night, darling.
* As expensive and as thick as any on earth blanket, the warmth of your love can not be replaced. Sleep with the warmth of love, we soon meet again tomorrow.

SMS Rags

Occasionally rag and a little spoiled to the wife or husband is fine just do not always sweet and impressed in an SMS only. You can choose the words of hyperbole, flattery, or a beautiful metaphor. SMS this rag sometimes quite effective to provoke smiles and laughter to your partner.

Examples sms like this:

* Here, I realized that like to smile himself. Let the crazy idea, because in my mind I always joke with you.
* I send an angel to take care of you tonight. He was back again and protest: why an angel sent to keep an angel, hell!
* I take home the moon and the stars, let us always be face to tender under the light.
* People say beautiful roses and jasmine it is fragrant. I said, a rose so beautiful because it is on your ears, so fragrant jasmine because it touched a soft hand.

Hopefully greeting SMS tips before sleeping on the increase harmonious relationship and your partner. And that is also important, you have to prove the words of a text message in the attitude and commendable behavior on your partner.

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