Kamis, 30 September 2010

Sex Column

An employee of a company feel very happy after getting the news that he was chosen to represent his company to attend a seminar abroad.

Arriving at the location of the seminar, the seminar participants were given the space by a distinguished committee the contents of a brief biodata
participants. "Ladies and gentlemen, please fill your personal data for purposes of issuing a certificate after completion of this seminar. Brothers please fill in the column you are available in keeping with your answers, respectively. "

Calmly the employee is filling column after column to complete and return it to the committee. While waiting for some other participants who still fill the biodata sheet.

The employees who are curious about trying to ask the fellow next to them from the UK who also have finished filling out the sheet:

"What you fill in the fields of sex, just now?"

With the confusion the British replied "Of course I filled male, you fill emangnya what?"

"5 times a week" said the employee ...

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