Rabu, 22 September 2010

Boys and a bag of nails

There was once a boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag full of nails, and had nailed one nail in the fence yard sticks every time he lost his patience or disagreements with other people.

The first day he was nailing 37 rod fence. In the weeks that followed she learned to restrain myself, and the number of nails are worn down from day to day. He found that restraint is easier than tacking on the fence.

Finally came the day when he no longer need any nails nail bar and happily conveyed it to ayahnya.Ayahnya then told her to remove a nail from the fence every day when he caught himself / patient. The days passed and finally came the day he can tell his father that all the nails are pulled out of the fence. The father took his son to the fence and said:

"My son, you have to be good, but let's see how many holes are there fence. This fence will not return as you semula.Kalau disagreement or fight with others, it always leave a wound like the fence.

"You could have stuck a knife in the backs of people and drew it back, but will leave a wound."

"No matter how many times you apologize / regret, wound perihnya same as physical injuries."

"My friends are a rare jewel."

"They make you laugh and giving spirit."

"They are willing to listen if you need it, they support and open your heart."

"Show me to your friends how much you liked them."

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